Olinda Organics

Enhancing the health of our community by growing and making available affordable organically grown food using sustainable organic farming techniques. We believe that by being a model of excellence in land stewardship we can inspire others to grow their own nutritious food.

Latest News

There is always a lot going on and much to do on the farm!

Water, Water, Water! Many of our current projects revolve around the increasing need for reliable water sources to keep the farm healthy and producing. We are in the process of repairing and reconnecting our long-standing well, acquiring needed farm implements to install irrigation and fencing, and creating a new backup water tank to help carry us through these extended dry periods we are experiencing more and more often.

About The Farm

Olinda Organics is located 2 miles above Makawao town on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Maui. We specialize in Citrus, Avocado and Macadamia Nuts.

Ever since we planted our first Tahitian Pomelo, Orange and Lemon trees 30 years ago, we have worked diligently to honor, enhance and sustain the health of the soil while growing a variety of nutritious fruit and nut trees to share with our community. We have always used organic methods to grow our trees. In the beginning we used horse and chicken manure that we purchased from neighbors to feed the trees. As our orchard grew we added non-toxic wood chips and coconut fiber to help maintain moisture in the ground.

For the past 20 years we have used the finest organic amendments available on Maui – green-waste compost, aged wood chips and coconut coir. In addition, we integrate all of these nutrients around our trees using the principles of Permaculture – a long-recognized combination of organic additives that enlivens the growth of nutritious food. The benefit we have seen in our now aging trees has been quick and dramatic. The layering process of nutritional elements, companion planting to add nutrients, and mulch to retain water and nutrients in the soil only needs additional top dressing once established.

Our oranges are often said to be the most delicious and juicy people have ever tasted. Our macadamia nuts are incredibly rich and sweet.

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Olinda Organics | P.O. Box 867 | Makawao HI 96768 | © Copyright - Olinda Organics. All Rights Reserved.